Aging In Place For Seniors – Digestive System



What to expect:  Constipation is a common medical condition amongst seniors and the elderly.  There are a myriad of factors that can contribute to the effects of constipation.  These include a low-fiber diet, lack of not drinking enough fluids, minimal or no exercise, medications like diuretics and iron supplements.  Medical conditions such as diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome can also contribute to constipation.

What you can do about it:  Here’s your constipation “prevention plan”:

  • Healthy diet: your diet should include high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. limit meats that are high in fat, dairy products and sweets/confections.  Make sure to drink plenty of water and related non-sugar based fluids.
  • Daily physical activity or exercise: maintain a regular exercise program such as walking, brisk/race walking, swimming, tennis, yoga/stretching.  Exercise on a gradual basis.
  • Bowel movement: do not ignore the urge to have a bowel movement. Holding a bowel movement for an extended period of time can cause constipation.

As always, we advise all seniors and elderly adults to consult with a physician and/or health care professional regarding personal health conditions, nutritional, dietary and exercise programs.  Also, complete and post at home (i.e. on the refrigerator door, in the car, etc.) a First Response Personal Emergency Medical Data Form in the event local 911 EMS responders are called to your home.

To read more of this 5-part mini-blog series, go to Part 1 (MY CARDIOVASCULAR; MY BLADDER & URINARY TRACT); Part 3 (MY BONES, JOINTS & MUSCLES); Part 4 (MY EYES & EARS; MY TEETH; and MY SKIN); and Part 5 (MY MEMORY; and MY SEXUALITY).